Friday, June 27, 2008


So while Ethan Hawke traded down (the old "bangin'the nanny" story), Uma Thurman traded up.

Way up.

She bagged a multimillionaire. They began dating last summer and now they're engaged. Uma's rep has confirmed the news. The rich Swiss guy's name is Arpad "Arki" Busson. He used to be with Elle Macpherson and had two sons with her.

Arki gave Uma an 8 carat engagement ring. No wedding date has been set.

Uma and Arki's names go together. It's a perfect rich couple name. Watch:
"Bitsy? Hi dahling, it's me Mitzie. Uma and Arki have invited Grant and I to the South of France for a weekend on their yacht, so I won't be able to make the fundrasier dinner at the club. Pity, I so was looking forward to helping those starving children Oh, I know, wrap up our dinners and Fed-Ex them to them! Ok then, send my regards to Candi and Corbie will you dear? Tootles!"


What is wrong with the jidges!

I just want to bitch about So You Think You Can Dance for a minute. Why the hell wasn't Comfort eliminated last night? They got rid of Chelsea, who is much better and they didn't even tell her why!

Comfort must have some good dirt on Nigel, that's the only thing that could explain why she wasn't cut after week one! All the girl can do is one hip hop routine over and over.

I'm really pissed off about this.

Here's Comfort's performance from this week, I'm only posting it because I never thought I'd see the day that a Marilyn Manson song would be used on So You Think You Can Dance and I find it pretty hysterical and awesome. I hope on next week's show there's a Mia Michaels contemporary routine to Slayer's "Dead Skin Masks". They even say
"Dance with the dead in my dreams" in the song---they could do the flower petal thing again!

And since I'm posting clips of SYTYCD, here's my favorite routine from last week, Chelsea (different Chelsea--all the girls are named Chelsea and Courtney this season) and Mark's hip hop routine to "Bleeding Love." It's worth watching even if you swore you'd jam pencils in your ears if you heard that damn song one more time:

Oh yeah, and I'm still pissed off about Comfort.


I don't know about you, but I wouldn't feel right selling alcohol to Amy Winehouse. I'd be like, "No sorry, it's for your own good."


Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Axl really did call the FBI

I'm loving all this Axl news lately! So now there is an actual FBI investigation into the nine leaked Guns N' Roses tracks that circulated online last week.

Kevin Skwerl, the blogger responsible for putting up the nine rumored songs from Chinese Democracy on the website last week, told
Rolling Stone how he received a recent visit from the FBI.

Kevin told
the mag that he was "ambushed" by two federal agents on Monday after he admitted to posting the songs on the blog. He claims he received the tracks from "an anonymous online source."

He said, "When I came back from lunch they were waiting in the lobby for me. It's a little creepy they know where I work."

yeah Kevin, that's usually how the FBI works!

He was then questioned for 15 minutes. The agents asked to see the original files, but Kevin had already erased them after Axl's lawyers instructed him when they contacted him shortly after they appeared online.

No word on whether if in addition to the FBI, Axl also called the president, a private eye, or the IRS.


Who told Marc Anthony he had to lose baby weight?

I hope J-Lo's calling Sally Struthers. "Just 79 cents a day, the price of a cup of coffee, could feed Marc Anthony! Won't you help?"


Who even watches commercials anymore anyway?

Heinz made news this week when it pulled the above commercial for mayonnaise featuring...OMG!!! two men kissing! The company reportedly received a whopping 200 complaints after the spot aired. They pulled the ad and apologized to anyone who may have been offended.

In a related story, another commercial recently spread online (this one actually legitimately offensive). It was for JC Penney and showed two teenagers rushing to get dressed after having sex:

Calm down everybody, Jamie Lynn Spears doesn't have her own teen maternity line at Penney's. The commercial was created by an advertising agency and submitted to the store, but JC Penney claims they never approved the ad and are "furious" over the attention it is bringing to the store--which hasn't gotten attention since...well, ever. Yeah, ok, whatever you say JC Penney.


Here to comment, please welcome the Geico Caveman.


"What's up?"

So I'm interested to hear your take on all these controversial commercials, being in advertising yourself. Do you think commercials have gotten out of control, or are we just being too sensitive?

"You know I come from a time before television. Back then, it took a lot of time to get information on a product out because there were no commercials. We had to go door to door, you know? Like when I invented the wheel..."

Wait, wait, hold up, YOU invented the wheel? Like, you personally?

"Did I stutter?"

No, it's just that's pretty impressive, that's all. Hey, too bad there weren't patents back then huh? Ha!

"Oh ha ha, yeah, very funny. Do you even know how much that sucks? Now look at what I'm forced to do. I'm an advertising gag and the star of a failed sitcom. I INVENTED THE DAMN WHEEL! If it weren't for me, there wouldn't be any cars. There wouldn't be any car insurance. There wouldn't be any GEICO!! It's so disrespectful it makes me sick!"

"I don't mean to barge in, por favor, but Ay dios mio!!! Give it a rest Caveman!!!! At least you still got a job! I had to hump a lot of legs to get that Taco Bell gig! I gave them best years of my life and then they just threw me out like the leftover pintos and cheese. Speaking of which, thanks to that place, I had the runs for TWO WHOLE YEARS ese! That's 14 years for me! Oh yeah, I dropped the chulupa alright.

Oh, and now Taco Bell wants 50 Cent to change his name to 79 cent and he wants to sue them. Did it ever occur to them to ask me? Hell, I'd change my name in a Nueva York minute! So I don't wanna hear your bitching or about your dumb wheel invention, which you probably didn't even really invent, it's just that there's no one other cavemen alive to dispute it!"


Caveman? Anything to add?


Um, ok then. Thanks to the Geico Caveman and The Taco Bell Dog.

"I am not the Taco Bell Dog anymore! My name is Rick James. Yeah, like 'I'm Rick James bitch'! Don't get me started on that one either. "

Damn Matt Damon!

Here's Matt on the set of his new movie, The Informant looking an awful lot like Ned Flanders!

Hey that reminds me, remember that song Informer? A licky boom boom down!

Matt kind of looks like him too!

Asshat of the Week!

Yeah Mario, homeless people are HYSTERICAL!

I fucking hate this tool.


Tuesday, June 24, 2008

This is all Denise Richards' fault

It has to be. It's Complicated just debuted a couple weeks ago and now poor Heather Locklear has checked herself into a psychological treatment facility in Arizona.

Her rep released the following statement: "Heather has been dealing with anxiety and depression. She requested an in-depth evaluation of her medication and entered into a medical facility for proper diagnosis and treatment."

Back in March, Heather's doctor called 911 call in fearing that she was suicidal.

Get well Heather!


He never thought of that!

"What are you still doing here? I said one song and then you go clean out my litter box!"

Who gives a shit about Tom Cruise and Will Smith? My very favorite bromance has got to be my beloved Axl Rose and Sebastian "SAVAGE ANIMAL!" Bach. (I think we all know who wears the leather pants in this relationship.) Ever since these two hooked up a few years ago, Baz has been loving being Axl's bitc--I mean, BFF. He also loves the spotlight (see: Celebrity Duets, Supergroup, Celebrity Rap Superstar) so whenever a media outlet ever needs anyone to comment on the elusive Axl, Sebastian is more than happy to oblige.

So last week when nine Chinese Democracy tracks made their way online, Rolling Stone gave Sebastian a call hoping to get some inside info. But by now Sebastian knows better than to give out any confidential information, so instead he served up a couple anecdotes of times he pissed off Axl.

You have to picture him telling this while cracking himself up and slapping his knees:

“There’s only a couple of times he’s ever gotten mad at me. One of them was when I let Ron Jeremy in his dressing room. He didn’t like that at all. ‘Why the fuck did you let Ron Jeremy in my dressing room?’ I was like, 'dude, he was begging.' That wasn’t a good time for me. Axl goes from zero to 60 faster than any hemi engine, I’ll tell you that.

When we were first hanging out in 2006, we were just standing around a bunch of people. I go, ‘Axl, do you think you might get the record out? It would be a great time, now that we’re on tour and everything.’ He goes, ‘Oh. Great! Everybody! Sebastian has a great idea here, man. Guess what? Sebastian, should I put out a record? Maybe it would be a good idea for me to put out a fucking record! Hey everybody, listen to this! I never thought of that! That never came to me! Oh, great idea dude.’ I felt like Fred Flintstone in Mr. Slate’s office.

“Another thing that I don’t know you’ll ever see is a Axl Rose reality show. When I see that shit, I laugh. Here’s the only other time that he got mad at me. I had just finished shooting Supergroup for VH1. It was on TV in America while we were gallivanting across Europe. We had a beautiful dinner at some incredible Italian restaurant. We are sitting there and I go, ‘Dude, I just shot this reality show for VH1 and they paid me this amount of money, man. It was fucking easy. It was only like two weeks. It was hilarious. Axl, if they paid me this amount of money, they’d pay you like a million bucks for 10 days of some shit.’ He’s looking at me with this look on his face and he’s all quiet and he goes, ‘Sebastian, you don’t understand.’ I go, ‘What?’ He goes, ‘I will pay VH1 $2 million to leave me the fuck alone!‘ I would bet my life you won’t be seeing the Axl Rose reality TV show."

Screw Chinese Democracy, I want an Axl and Sebastian reality show! I want to see them have beautiful dinners and fights about why Sebastian let Ron Jeremy into Axl's dressing room. It would be so much better than The Two Coreys!



Hey kids, Heidi Montag has a new song!! It's called "Fashion" (not to be confused with David Bowie's) It's a work of art, but it's Heidi so of course it is!!

The best part is the very beginning when she yells
"HEIDI!" It's even better than "It's Britney Bitch!"

Smoke 'em if you got 'em Amy!

Amy Winehouse has been in a London hospital for problems with her lungs which have been described as "scarring of the lungs which could lead to emphysema." She's 24!!! Doctors say if Amy continues smoking that she will have emphysema.

She left the hospital for a few hours yesterday to rehearse for her upcoming performance at Nelson Madela's birthday party, shop for some new ballet slippers, and what was it? Oh yeah, smoke a couple ciggies!


Thursday, June 19, 2008

Maddie "Whoops!" Spears is here!

Jamie Lynn Spears gave birth this morning at 9:30 am to a daughter that she and fiancé Casey Aldridge named Maddie Briann.

A source told PEOPLE, "Just the family was there. Everyone is healthy and happy."

That family includes Britney, who flew in yesterday to be with her sister.

Baby and baby are doing fine.

Chinese Democracy Starts NOW!! .................Again

Axl must be bored again since basketball season is over. So three new songs from (Axl's) Guns N' Roses' Chinese Democracy have been leaked.


"Rhiad and the Bedouins"

"This I Love":

"If the World":

Can I get one too?

Here's some people that will be receiving their stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame next year: Hugh Jackman, Ben Kingsley, The Village People, Tinkerbell, Felicity Huffman, William H. Macy, Cameron Diaz, Robert Downey Jr., Tim Burton, Leslie Caron, Charles Durning, Ralph Fiennes, Samantha Fox, William Petersen, Kyra Sedgwick, John Stamos, Kimmy Gibbler, Mark Burnett, Chuck Lorre, Kenny "Baby Face" Edmonds, Ace of Base, Dave Koz, The Miracles, Tito Jackson, Doug Morris, Rush, Shakira, Pauly Shore, KFI radio personality Bill Handel and KCRW host Harry Shearer, who also provides voices for characters on "The Simpsons."

Seriously, is this part of the Economic Stimulus program? Do celebrities get stars on the Walk of Fame instead of checks from the government? And because they're married, do William H. Macy and Felicity Huffman get one star or two?

(Yeah some of those I made up, try to figure out which ones! It's harder than you think!)


Saint Angelina loves horsies

Like, she really, really loves them.

The horse looks bored.



So there's this guy Andrew from a band called Creaky Boards who claims Coldplay's song "Viva La Vida" (that annoying one in the ITunes commercial that you think is U2 at first) is a ripoff of a song that he wrote. He even says the Coldplay lead douche Chris Martin went to one of his band's shows. What makes it even funnier is that the name of Andrew's song is "The Songs I Didn't Write." Judge for yourself. Here's the full version of Coldplay's song. Both songs suck ass in my opinion.

But both Coldplay and Andrew ripped off this awesome guy:

In related news, Ricky Martin has not commented on whether or not he too would like to sue Coldplay.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Shoot me now!

The New Kids on the Block have a new video. I can't believe I just typed that. So now you can see them lip sync awful lyrics like
"With your flip flops, half shirt, short shorts, mini skirt" with synchronized dance moves while wearing all white. Didn't the Backstreet Boys do this ten years ago. Wait, didn't the New Kids on the Block do this twenty years ago? Yeah, it's really, really pathetic. I keep looking for Heidi Montag in the beach scenes and sadly, she's not there.

On the other hand, sometimes attempting to recapture your glory days works awesomely:

No Emmy until Lindsay says so

Earlier this week, Queen Bitch of the World, Katherine Heigl pulled herself out of consideration for an Emmy for her role on
Grey's Anatomy, because, well, she's a bitch.

Now Lindsay Lohan is following suit, and taking herself out of the Emmy race for her ground-breaking and award-worthy 45 second guest spot on
Ugly Betty. (in case you missed it, the clip is above. Brace yourself though, it's THAT good.) Lindsay reportedly doesn't want to jinx her chances for winning an Emmy next year for one of the five episodes she'll appear in.


America's Got Talent?

Last night was the premiere of America's Got Talent a.k.a. I'm Not Talented Enough To Get On American Idol or So You Think You Can Dance.

Here's the highlights?:

What's scary is this guy looks more like Britney Spears than Britney does.

Ok, so cute it's nauseating. I seriously barfed up some rainbow puppies after watching this and it tasted sugary and delicious coming up.

The one act that actually had talent.


Some thieves rob banks. Some rob convenience stores. Steve Tryon, 18, from Terre Haute, Indiana robbed a lemonade stand.

Well, he tried to anyway. After Steve got his $17.50 pay day, the young girl running the stand chased after him!

She chased Steve into a nearby home and called police. It soon turned into a lemonade standoff situation when police tried to get Steve to come out and surrender. He eventually did after 45 minutes and was arrested on a preliminary felony robbery charge (no breaking and entering?? He ran into somebody's house!). He was put in jail and must appear in court on Tuesday.

Oh Steve. Don't you know you have to have a getaway vehicle? Like a dirt bike or at least a skateboard. This is why you'll never graduate to robbing tag sales. Dumbass!



Jessica Simpson was recently photographed wearing a t-shirt with the message "REAL GIRLS EAT MEAT." It is rumored to be a dig at her boyfriend's ex-girlfriend and vegetarian, Carrie Underwood. PETA's pissed of course.

Don't worry Carrie. As a fellow vegetarian, I've got your back. I designed some message t-shirts for you to wear.

Monday, June 16, 2008

"It was photoshopped!!" in 3...2...1

TMZ just loves to get those pictures of Mischa Barton's cellulite. Here's a new one!

She should just embrace the cottage cheese, it's the only thing keeping her in the semi-spotlight these days. Maybe she can even get an endorsement deal with Hood.

Shocking!! Amy Winehouse faints!!

Amy Winehouse was rushed to the hospital after fainting in her London home earlier today. She reportedly fainted after she went outside to sign autographs for fans that were waiting outside her home and discovered they were gone.

Her spokesperson told PEOPLE that Amy "quickly recovered" and needed her manager's assistant "to stop her falling" in her home. He said,
"She's fine. It was a brief thing and they took her in as a precaution. Her Dad drove her to a private hospital, but they're unsure what caused it so aren't taking any chances."

Doctors do not know what caused Amy's fainting spell.

It's a medical mystery!!! What could have caused a healthy young woman like Amy to pass out? Somebody get Dr. House on a plane to London!!!!

Kanye West thinks he's Axl Rose

Fans booed and threw glow sticks at Kanye West during his performance at the Bonnaroo Festival in Manchester, Tennessee, after he went on two hours after he was scheduled to take the stage.

Kanye was supposed to go on at 2:45am. (2:45 AM???) but a message appeared on the jumbotrons letting the audience know that Kayne wouldn't be on until 3:15 a.m. Then at 3:15 a.m. another message appeared saying he'd go on at 3:30 a.m. He finally went on at 4:25 a.m.

What I'd like to know is who the hell is even still awake at 4:25 a.m.? Especially if there were acts all day earlier.

The delay was reportedly caused by problems setting up Kanye's ridiculous spaceship stage. Where's Scotty when you need him?

A spokesman for the annual festival said Kanye wasn't entirely to blame since Pearl Jam (who went on before Kanye) went an hour past their scheduled end time which delayed setting up Kanye's stage. Great, now Kanye has someone else to blame. Thanks spokesperson!

Kanye was originally supposed to play at 8:15 p.m. but wanted to change for a late night performance. Well he got that for sure.


RIP Tim Russert

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Random shit I found on YouTube

I totally agree with Obama on this issue:

This is begging for a disco remix!


Hulk Hogan went on Larry King Live attempting to do some damage control for his trainwreck of a family and ended up making it worse. Hulk said that Nick's accident was meant to happen by God to make Nick and John Graziano "better people."

Uh, I'm no doctor or theologist, but I would think that not being paralyzed is better than being paralyzed (like John is). Isn't there a story in the Bible about how Jesus healed a man that couldn't walk? So, that would lead me to believe that God prefers the opposite of Hulk said.

Hulk also said that everything happens for a reason and that it is in God's hands.

On a related note, God responded to Hulk's comments saying "Leave me out of this brother."

Denial ain't just a river in Malawi

There have recently been rumors that Madonna and Guy Ritchie are headed for divorce and that Madonna has hired Heather Mills' attorney.

Now Madonna's PR rep has said that the reports are “completely untrue” and the couple are still together.

Yeah, and the couple is also working on Swept Away 2.


Oh great, now she'll want to adopt all the Fraggles

There are reportedly talks to make a new Muppets movie and Saint Angelina is considering starring in the film.

A source said,
"The idea is to re-launch the Muppets with a big name and a big movie. Angelina is a big Muppets fan and being so passionate about kids there's a very real chance that she'll take this project on. Even Brad might want to have Miss Piggy as a love interest!"

Angelina better watch out. Miss Piggy's hot. She'll pull an Angelina and steal Brad.

No word on whether Daisy De La Hoya has signed on to play Janice.


Clooney don't like fake titties

The latest rumor in the big George-Sarah Larson split (does anyone really still care?) comes from In Touch Weekly, who claims it was because Sarah had a boob job.

A source told the magazine, "George really didn't want her to get the boob job. Although she asked George if she could do her recovery at his house and he agreed."

Sarah's next step? Playboy of course. The source added, "She likes her new body so much that she would consider posing for Playboy. Now that she's famous, she would never go back to waitressing."


Christ! Yeah, I guess by today's standards. Fear Factor, skanky pictures, sleep with someone famous, boob job, Playboy. You know a reality show's next.

Ugh. Remember the good old days when people got famous based on actual talent?


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Another day, another baby

Tori Spelling gave birth to her second child with husband Dean McDermott yesterday by C-section.

Stella Doreen McDermott was born at 3:13 p.m. and weighed in at 6lbs., 8 oz.


The magic of live TV

Last night on WWE Raw, Vince McMahon began his Million Dollar Mania giveaway,where every Monday night during the live broadcast he will randomly call people that registered on and give them various amounts of cash totaling one million dollars.

The very first winner had one of those callback tones where instead of ringing, you hear music. And he had the best song ever!

This just may have been the first live televised RickRoll! Now, I would say it was staged, but WWE writers aren't that creative and Vince McMahon is not that good of an actor. Check out the awesome look of confusion on his face! And then? He HANGS UP on the guy! So then he tries to call the number again. And the song plays again while the commentators are yelling "PICK UP THE PHONE YOU IDIOT!" The guy finally answers and wins $200,000.00!

Which brings me to a rant about all of last night's winners. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU ASSHATS? Every single one of them sounded like they were on Prozac, all level and mellow.. Are you kidding me? They were like "Hello?" (like they don't know who's calling), and then when Vince told them they won thousands of dollars, they're like "wow...uh...thanks?" ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? Meanwhile, me and millions of other people are sitting there with our fingers crossed and with Rick Astley all cued up to go so it will play in the background when we answer, praying the phone will ring and we'll finally be able to pay for gas and food in the same week.

But I guess not being called is better than being called, winning $2.00 and then having to watch the next person win $200,000.00 (3:15):

At least they got to hear Jillian's beautiful voice.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Can we get an EPT test just to make sure?

Last week, there were rumors that Paris Hilton was pregnant after photos spread of her allegedly sporting a baby bump. Paris seems to have squashed those rumors by drinking and smoking in Vegas Friday night while filming her new stupid reality show where girls that were deemed "too low class" for Flavor of Love and Rock of Love compete to become Paris's BFF.

Paris reportedly drank pink champagne at dinner and vodka, tequila, and smoked cigarettes later that night at Vegas nightclubs.

I'm not celebrating yet. Personally I think people are giving the skank way too much credit to think she wouldn't drink and smoke if she were pregnant. I mean, the bitch doesn't feed her pets and keeps them in the closet.


I love you, you love me, Nicole is now a good mommy

"Wow Paris, you gained weight!"

For some reason I thought Barney was shot dead sometime around 1995.

If not, he should have been.

Don't agree? Fine, then tell me you can watch this without shoving broken glass in your eyes and ears:

Honorabla Mention

Jessica Alba gave birth to a baby girl on Saturday in Los Angeles. Jessica and husband Cash Warren named their daughter Honor Marie Warren. How cool would it if that kid became a judge?


Alanis wants Ryan to know, that she's happy for him...

She wishes nothing but,the best for them both...

Really! On former fiancee Ryan Reynolds' engagement to Scarlett Johansson, she told Newsweek,
"I'm really happy for him."

No word on whether Alanis also hopes that every time she scratches her nails down someone else's back that Ryan feels it. You know she does though.


Friday, June 6, 2008

Wait what? Who had a baby?

It was announced today that Vin Diesel and his girlfriend, model Paloma Jimenez, had a baby girl back on April 2nd.

Ok, everyone that thought Vin Diesel was gay raise your hand.

Put your hand down Vin.


Buffy 101

Buffy the Vampire Slayer will be the subject of a three-day academic conference at Henderson State University in Little Rock, AK.

Philosophy professor Kevin Durand said on Buffy, "It has staying power. It's like I tell my students in philosophy a lot of times: We're not so much about necessarily finding all the answers as wanting to ask better questions. 'Buffy,' I think, does that. 'Buffy' never really leaves you with nice, pat answers. You have even more questions than when you started."

Other works by creator Joss Whedon will be covered as well. Some topics that will be discussed:"Buffy and Feminism," "Buffy and Identity," "Gender Stereotypes and the Image of Domesticity in 'Firefly,' " " 'Firefly': The Illusive Safety of Big Damn Heroes" and a Durand favorite by a British scholar, "Hero's Journey, Heroine's Return: Buffy, Eurydice and the Orpheus Myth." Strangely,"Buffy and my easy credit," was left off the list.

If I lived in Little Rock, I'd go just for the hot Buffy/Spike episodes!


Rockstar: KISS?

Because they haven't made enough money yet, KISS founding members Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley are in talks to launch an "American Idol style" tv show to find four new replacements for KISS so the band can continue on long after they retire.

Manager Doc McGhee said, "I believe that KISS can go on forever. I believe that there is a way - and we are talking to people and we're pretty close to getting it done - about finding the four new members of KISS."

Well, it worked for Menudo.


Asshats of the Week

Every single person who saw this happen and did nothing.

Are we as a society really
here already? If so, that's really fucking depressing.

A disturbing surveillance video showing an elderly man getting hit by a car and then being ignored by bystanders has shocked — and shamed — many in Hartford, Conn.

Angel Arce Torres, 78, was trying to cross the street when a Honda plowed into him, sending him flying and leaving him lying crumpled and bleeding in the middle of the street. The driver of the car did not stop; but, even more disturbingly, passing cars and people on the sidewalk nearby did nothing to help Torres.

As Torres lay in the street, nine cars passed him without stopping. More than 40 seconds went by before anyone even stepped off the sidewalk to get a closer look. But no one went over to Torres' body to try to help or even divert traffic.

Finally, after about a minute and a half, a police car responding to a different call happened upon the scene and an ambulance was called.

The accident occurred last Friday, but Hartford's police chief released the traffic surveillance video on Wednesday, hoping to get information on the hit-and-run driver and make an arrest.

Chief Daryl Roberts also expressed outrage in a news conference Wednesday, saying "we no longer have a moral compass."


Thursday, June 5, 2008

I'm off to find Jesus


Shut up Oprah!

A lot of people are happy that Barack Obama has clinched the Democratic presidential nomination, but few are self-important enough to go and issue a freaking statement about it.

Of course we're talking about Oprah Winfrey.

Oprah said, "
I'm euphoric, I've been doing the happy dance all day. I'm so proud of Barack and [his wife] Michelle Obama and what this means for all of us ... the new possibilities for our country. And if he wants me to, I'm ready to go door to door."


Why did I get a dirty picture in my head when I read the part about Oprah being "euphoric?" Bleck. Thanks a lot Obama.

Now here to demonstrate the aforementioned "happy dance," we bring you Carlton Banks:

Father of the Year

Us Weekly has a story in its latest issue on how everyone's favorite dad Joe Simpson is to blame for Jessica and Tony Romo's split last month.

According to a source, Joe even asked Tony to fire his agent and hire him to take over his $67.5 millon NFL contract! Then he told Tony if he and Jess got engaged, he'd broker the deal to sell the engagement and wedding stories to a magazine "the same that I did with Ashlee."

Joe Simpson defended himself to Us saying, “It’s unfair to criticize me for what every manager does for his or her clients. And in this business, where people can quickly turn on you, who better than a parent to be working for his children?"

Uh, in this case? Lou Pearlman, Heidi Fleiss, The Church of Scientology, any pimp on Sunset Strip, Jeff Archuleta, Satan? Yeah, any of those would be better.

The story also claims that Tony was upset because Jessica's a lush. A "pal" said, "Tony goes out and he will drink socially, but he said Jess takes it to an extreme."

As for the status of their relationship, Jessica and Tony are now in a "middle-of-the-road state" and are "talking."

Britney doesn't love rock n' roll!

Joan Jett has finally commented on Britney Spears' massacre of "I Love Rock N' Roll" back in 2002.

Joan claims to never have actually heard Britney's version, (Here you go Joan, but don't say I didn't warn you.) but that she didn't get it because Britney is not a rocker.

She says,
"I've never even heard Britney's version. I mean, I've obviously heard about it, but I never understood that whole idea. I mean, people usually cover a song that says something about them, but I doubt she loves rock 'n' roll. Maybe she likes songs."

Joan's right. Although Britney in recent years has exhibited more rock 'n' roll behavior than anyone since Ozzy snorted a line of ants, she does not actually love rock 'n' roll. The whole thing was really just a big misunderstanding.

What happened was Britney heard the Weird Al version, "I Love Rocky Road" and agreed to cover the song based on her love of the tasty treat. Which nobody can argue!

The music nerd in me also feels the need to point out that
Joan's version of "I Love Rock N Roll" is a cover as well. The song was originally written and recorded by a band called The Arrows back in 1975.


Here we go again.

Oh Miley. Is anyone else getting tired of all the Miley Cyrus photo scandals? Just after all the hoopla died down from that Vanity Fair photo, here comes a couple new photos for everyone to get all worked up over.

They looked innocent enough, until it was revealed that the guy in the pictures is 22-years old. (Miley's 15--or so they claim. Personally, I think she's 35. It takes some time to develop that whisky and Marlboros voice.)

His name is Marshall and he is one of Miley's backup dancers. Hmm, back-up dancer. Where have we heard this one before?

I'm sure she's still a virgin Billy Ray!


Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Low ratings? Pay people to watch!

This past Monday Vince McMahon announced on WWE Raw that beginning next week he would give away one million dollars to viewers during the live program every Monday. He even more or less said it was a desperate attempt to try to gain more viewers. Hey, at least he's honest! To register, go to

Vince referred to the money as "his own" but it turns out he's giving away the rest of the "Hulk Hogan Special Appearance Account" now that Hulk's family is such a hot mess the WWE is afraid they'll bring down the class level. Ok, that's speculation.

Where in the world is Kurt Cobain?

Courtney Love is reportedly "suicidal" after Kurt Cobain's ashes were stolen from her home in LA after a break-in last month.

She kept Kurt's ashes, along with a lock of his hair in a pink bag shaped like a teddy bear.

Courtney said,
"I can't believe anyone would take Kurt's ashes from me. I find it disgusting right now I'm suicidal. If I don't get them back I don't know what I'll do. They were all I had left of my husband. I used to take them everywhere with me just so I could feel Kurt was still with me. Now it feels like I have lost him all over again."

So when she says suicidal, does she mean she would kill herself or that she would make it look like she killed herself?

So far, no sign of Kurt's ashes on ebay.


Geez, Madonna picked the wrong kid.

Madonna's adoption of David Banda was finally finalized last week so you would think that would be the end of the nearly two-year drama.

Nope. Little David's biological father, Yohane Banda has now decided that he wants to fight for visitation rights to the child. A little late, no?

Yohane claims government officials promised him access his son every three to four years as part of the adoption arrangement and he is now looking into his legal rights to see the child.

He said, "I love the boy and it was in his best interests to put him in the orphanage. Because I support the adoption I would not want to put up a challenge that would reverse it, but I might challenge some aspects of the order. I am discussing with my family about following up on having access to the child. We will not leave things the way they are - we will do something about it."

What is with this guy? He's the most wishy-washy deadbeat dad ever! I think he's starting to realize that Madonna is rich and he missed out on getting something out of the deal. Madonna should just let him live in the mansion. I'm sure she can find a job for him. Maybe he can be a backup dancer or something. And they can make a reality show out of their life together and call it "All in the Malawian Family." And who knows? There's all those rumors about things with Guy seeming to be strained, so maybe the two of them can hook up.



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